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Brave Bodies
Thank you
Supporting Brave Bodies (1:21)
Welcome to Brave Bodies!
Let's get started! (7:45)
The Body Appreciation Scale (1:11)
What IS wellness? (7:09)
This module's activities! (4:14)
Closing words (1:18)
Module 1: It all starts with a "bad" body.
When did you learn your body was 'bad'? (6:14)
What impacts body image? (4:13)
This module's activities! (4:48)
Module 2: All bodies are GOOD bodies
Turning "bad bodies" into "good bodies". (10:14)
Myth busting (7:19)
This modules's activities! (4:45)
Module 3: Redefining "beauty"
Let's flip the story (7:34)
A world without shame (3:48)
Redefine beauty (6:26)
Connecting with our ancestors (6:56)
Module 4: Moving forward with compassion
Introducing the rest of your life! (6:42)
TFAR (1:36)
Dealing with negative thoughts (3:49)
Taking care of your body (1:49)
Radical Self Compassion (2:12)
Be a Brave Bodies ally! (2:54)
How did you get on? (1:11)
This is just the beginning. (3:04)
Additional resources for parents
Introducing the rest of your life!
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